Sunday 3 February 2013

Brahman, Creation, and Us

"Like 2 birds of golden plumage, inseparable companion the individual self and the immortal self are perched on the branches of the self same tree. The former tastes of the sweet and bitter fruits of the tree, the latter tasting of neither, calmly observe. The individual self deluded by forgetfulness of his identity with the divine self, bewildered by his ego grieves and is sad. But when he recognizes the worshipful Lord as his own true self and beholds his glory, he grieves no more."


Lord Shani Dev

It is not easy to understand that Brahman resides in us. If he does, why does he make us suffer? The answer is not simple. Immersed in the oceans of birth and death, pain, confusion, jealousy we are tossed about as piece of driftwood in an ocean. Conflict, blame, hopelessness, self pity we are enveloped in all negativity. Thought is different from reality and we attempt to rationalize our actions. We never want to hurt others, but situations develop over which we have no control. There are lessons to be learnt that only liberate us. What should have been, what was and what is , is exactly how it was deemed to happen. The Self within you shines and is brilliant but is hidden beneath this cloak of emotions. 

Realize your inner self. Shake off Virtue and vice. You are nothing without Him. You are Him. Distance yourself and meditate on the Self. Atman and Brahman have to be one. Be kind and nature yourself, your Atman, bring him joy and release yourself from the bondage of self doubt, identify your Absolute Self.