Tuesday 12 March 2013

Peace Mantras Upanishad

Om sham no mitra sham varunah,
sham no bhavatvaryamaa,
Sham na indro brihaspatih,
sham no vishnururu kramah,
Namo brahmane,
namaste vaayo
tvameva pratyaksham brahmaasi,
Tvaameva pratyaksham brahma vadishyaami,
Ritam vadishyaami,
satyam vadishyaami,
Tanmaamavatu, tadvaktaaramavatu,
avatu maam, avatu vaktaaram,
Om shaantih shaantih shaantih

"Taittiriya Upanishad"

Meaning:  May the god Mitra grant us happiness. May the god varuna grant us happiness. May the god Aryama grant us happiness. May the gods Indra and Brihaspati grant us happiness. May the god Vishnu, whose footsteps are gigantic, grant us happiness. We bow in obeisance before the god Vayu; he is the Brahman himself. O Vayu! We worship you. You are the Brahman who is before us. We will call you the Brahman, we will call you the incantations of the sacred texts, we will call you truth. May the Brahman protect me, may the Brahman protect the one who is the speaker. Let there be peace. Let there be Peace. Let there be Peace.

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