Thursday, 28 February 2013

Brahman and Atman Present In Our Body

Both the Brahman and the atman are present in the physical body. The atman savours directly the fruit of all action. So does the Brahman, by association. Those who know about the Brahman, know this fact. So do the learned ones who light the sacrificial fire five times or the nachiketa fire three times. These learned ones know that the Brahman and the atman are always with one another, they are like light and shadow.

Part of the Brahman is in the atman. But the part of the Brahman that is in the universe is superior to the part that there is in man. Superior to this too is the supreme spirit (purusha). There is nothing above the purusha. The purusha is all refuge and all salvation.

 The purusha can be detected in living beings in the form of the atman. The learned ones can visualize the purusha through their wisdom.

Sanskrit Shloka
yadetaddhrdayam manascaited sanjnanam vijnanam
prajnanam medha dristirdhritirmatirmanisa
jutih smritih samkalpah craturasuh kamo vasa iti
sarvanyevaitani prajnanasya namadheyani bhavanti

meaning:- So we see that which is the heart and mind cannot also be the soul, perception, discrimination, intelligence, wisdom, insight, steadfastness, thought, thoughtfulness, impulse, memory, conception, purpose, life, desire, and control - all these are attributes of the entity within the body whose nature is Brahman, but they are not He, nor He, they.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Brahman Brings Prosperity and Bliss

When one knows the Brahman, ignorance is banished and one is freed from the bondage of life and death. Unity with the Brahman brings prosperity and bliss. Living beings, inanimate objects and the supreme godhead may seem to be three distinct entities. But in reality, all three are in Brahman. This is the supreme knowledge. When a fire is lit with the help of wood, the true nature of the fire is lit with the help of wood; the true nature of the fire cannot be seen. Yet, the fire can be created by rubbing two pieces of wood together. Like the fire in the wood, the Brahman is in the human body and can be realized.  

The Brahman is everywhere and can be realized through truth and meditation. He who realizes the Brahman, realizes him in one’s own Atman.

Sanskrit Shloka

Oum vam me manasi pratishthita mano me
Vachi pratishthitam
Aviraviram edhi
Vedasya ma anisthah
Shrutam me ma prahasih
Anenadhitenahoratran samdadhami
Ritam vadishyami satyam vadishyami
Tanmamavatu tadvaktaramavatu
Avatu mama vatu vaktaram avatu vaktaram
Aum shantih shantih shanith.

meaning: O Almighty Lord! My speech is well established in my mind. My mind is well established in my speech. O Lord, please empower me to grasp and preach the Vedas. May I never forget Your teachings. Only by knowing You are with me am I able to maintain my days and nights. I shall always only follow You. May You protect me. My dear Lord, please protect me and my preceptor. O my dear Lord, please protect me and my preceptor and all those around me!


Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Who is the Brahman?

Who is the Brahman whom we worship and try to attain? It is the Brahman who gives rise to forms, sound, scent, taste and names. There is a Brahman who entered the body through the breath of life. Is he the true Brahman? There is also a Brahman who entered the body through the brahmarandhra. Is he the true Brahman?

The heart, the mind and the organs of sense seem to be different. Man has traits like consciousness, imagination, patience and the power of thought. He experiences feeling like remembrances and unhappiness. He performs acts, desires, objects and knows various arts. But all of these are merely names. All of these are manifestations of the Brahman.



Monday, 25 February 2013

Blissful Brahman

Happiness is the Brahman. It is from happiness that the elements are created. It is happiness that sustains the elements. And it is into happiness that the elements merge at the time of destruction.

The Brahman begins with food grains and ends with the happiness that is there in the heart. He, who realizes this, unites with the infinite bliss of the Brahman.

He, who worships the Brahman in Humility, attains all the objects of desire. He who worships the greatness of the Brahman, becomes great himself. He, who worships the destructive power of the Brahman, succeeds in destroying all his enemies. The Brahman is in the physical body and the Brahman is in the centre of the sun. But it is the same Brahman who is present in both places.

“The Brahman can be realized through meditation.”

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Pradosham, Shani-23rd Feb 2013

Pradosham literally means the removal of sins. These times are the windows of opportunity to remove karma or karmic energies that limit our potential in this current life. Pradosham, which is the thirteenth phase of the dark or bright moon, is the time designated for Lord Shiva to remove the bad karma of people. There are two Pradosham days in a month. Pradosham means the removal of sins and can also take place on a daily basis. This is called daily Pradosham. There is only one temple where this daily Pradosham is very effective because of its association with Nandi, the bull of Lord Shiva. The bull was sent to the earth plane to initiate the daily removal of sins at the temple called Koyampet near Chennai. Participants of the daily karma removal program will have an archana ceremony done for them on daily basis during the Pradosham time (sunset). Koyampet (picture below) is a temple where Pradosham takes place every evening.

 Pradoshams occur twice each month - on the 13th (Trayodashi) moon day after the New Moon and after the Full Moon.

Trayodashi Dates 2013

9th January, 24th January

8th February, 23rd February

9th March, 25th March

8th April, 23rd April

7th May , 23rd May

6th June, 21st June

5th July , 20th July

4th August, 19th August

3rd September, 17th September

2nd October, 16th October

1st November, 15th November

1st December, 15th December, 30th December

The Supreme Level

Shani Pradosham and Soma Pradoshams occurs when one of the 13th moon days occurs on a Saturday or a Monday respectively. The planet Saturn is considered an Agent of Karma who delivers many of life's tougher lessons to help us refine and evolve our souls. Pradosham time are measured by the phases of the Moon.

    Shani Pradosham - When 13th Moon-day falls on Saturday

Lord Shiva has more influence over Saturn (Shani-dev) on this day and can cause Saturn to loosen or release some of the karmic bonds that limit us. It is also thought that the first Pradosham was on a Saturday and observing this time transports us back to time of the Churning of the Milky Ocean.

2013 Shani Pradosham dates:- 23rd February, 9th March and 8th June.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Brahman is Everywhere

The Brahman created all bipeds, the Brahman created all quadrupeds. In his minute form, the Brahman entered the bodies of all living beings. He is known as purusha. There is nothing that is not permeated by him.
The Brahman adopts many forms. But all of this is illusion (maya). There are tens and hundreds of senses in physical bodies. But the senses are the Brahman. The Brahman is tens and hundreds and thousands and the infinite. There has not been anything like the Brahman earlier, nor will there be anything like the Brahman is inside and outside. The Brahman is everywhere. This is the knowledge of the Vedas. This is the knowledge that Dadhyan imparted to the two Ashvinis.


Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Everything is Brahman

Brahman makes the sun rise and set. And it is the Brahman whom the gods worship. The Brahman is worshiped today and he will be worshiped tomorrow. The Brahman originates from the life-force and it is into the life-force that he merges. If one is frightened of death, it is the life-force that one must worship. He who begins to worship the breath of life, must complete the ritual. He will then obtain the companionship of the gods.
