Both the Brahman and the atman are present in the physical body.
The atman savours directly the fruit of all action. So does the Brahman, by
association. Those who know about the Brahman, know this fact. So do the
learned ones who light the sacrificial fire five times or the nachiketa fire
three times. These learned ones know that the Brahman and the atman are always
with one another, they are like light and shadow.
Part of the Brahman is in the atman. But the part of the Brahman
that is in the universe is superior to the part that there is in man. Superior
to this too is the supreme spirit (purusha). There is nothing above the purusha.
The purusha is all refuge and all salvation.
The purusha can be detected in living beings in the form of
the atman. The learned ones can visualize the purusha through their wisdom.
Sanskrit Shloka
yadetaddhrdayam manascaited sanjnanam vijnanam
prajnanam medha dristirdhritirmatirmanisa
jutih smritih samkalpah craturasuh kamo vasa iti
sarvanyevaitani prajnanasya namadheyani bhavanti
meaning:- So we see that which is the heart and mind cannot also be the soul, perception, discrimination, intelligence, wisdom, insight, steadfastness, thought, thoughtfulness, impulse, memory, conception, purpose, life, desire, and control - all these are attributes of the entity within the body whose nature is Brahman, but they are not He, nor He, they.
yadetaddhrdayam manascaited sanjnanam vijnanam
prajnanam medha dristirdhritirmatirmanisa
jutih smritih samkalpah craturasuh kamo vasa iti
sarvanyevaitani prajnanasya namadheyani bhavanti
meaning:- So we see that which is the heart and mind cannot also be the soul, perception, discrimination, intelligence, wisdom, insight, steadfastness, thought, thoughtfulness, impulse, memory, conception, purpose, life, desire, and control - all these are attributes of the entity within the body whose nature is Brahman, but they are not He, nor He, they.